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Every brand needs an identity. It's who you are, and what makes you so special compared to everyone else. And sure, it might start at a logo or color palette, but it's so much more than just what people see. It's what they feel when they think of your brand. We want people to feel great when they think about your brand. See why branding is so vital for businesses, and how we can help below.

An orange and blue city, representing the upscale branding of Uptown Digital Marketing
An iPhone taking a picture of a Nike logo, one of the most well-known brands

Increase Brand Recognition by 80% With Colors

Consumers report that brand awareness increases by 80% with a consistent color palette across different forms of media, such as your logo and promotional materials.

81% of Consumers Recall Colors Over Names

81% of consumers actually can recognize a brand's colors over the brand's name. Think about it, what brand colors do you know off the top of your head?

64% of Consumers Become Loyal Due to Shared Values

Consumers love when they have things in common with the businesses they shop from. That's why companies go the extra mile to make their story known. It resonates with their audience, and makes them more likely to repeatedly purchase from them.

Starbucks logo on a coffee cup, as Starbucks is one of the most well-known brands in the world
77% of Marketers Agree Branding is Pivotal to Grow

We're agree with the 77% of our colleagues. A great brand helps businesses grow so much quicker than they could've hoped to otherwise. It makes sense why so many experts agree it's important.

81% of Consumers Must Build Trust Before Buying

Think about it. When was the last time you bought something from a brand that you didn't trust? Probably never, because people spend their hard earned dollars with brands they genuinely like. That all starts with your brand.

57% of Consumers Spend More on Brands They Like

Consumers are fiercely loyal. Even to the point they'll spend more on brands that they're loyal to because they like their products, their message, and their brand.

Creation & Design

We help you pick a color palette that represents who you are as a brand and a company. Something that fits your style. Then we bring those colors to life when we make your creatives.


People can't get enough of their favorite stories. That's why people watch the same shows and read the same books over and over. It's the same reason they'll keep buying your products over and over. They love it.

Research & Reflection

First, we figure out what makes you so special. Why should your consumers love you, not just your products? Then we tie it in with everything you do, from copy to creative.

Constant Consultation

We're not going to leave you in the dark, wondering what's going on with your brand. We make sure to keep you up to date with everything going on, give you results, and tell you our recommended steps to keep growing your brand.

Your Branding Roadmap

Select a date and time on the calendar to schedule a FREE 30 minute consultation with one of our Co-Founders, Diana Ochoa. We'll go over your business, opportunities for growth, and how we can help. 

Make sure you help us help you! Come prepared with information about your business, your budget, and what you have in mind so we can make your business unmissable faster. We're looking forward to meeting you!

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