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Data & Trend Reports

You deserve to know what's going on with your business. We'll never keep you in the dark, no matter what. You ask it, we'll tell you, because transparency is everything. Our success is your success, and when things need to be improved, we'll let you know and tell you our plan to fix it. But most of the time, you're going to hear how great things are going. Hope you can get used to that.

An orange and blue city, representing the upscale branding of Uptown Digital Marketing
A humorous line graph in an upwards trajectory

A/B Testing

We'll figure out what works, and just as importantly, what doesn't, so you can run your business efficiently for years to come.

Journey Mapping

Ever want to know how exactly your customers find you and convert? We'll look at your data and figure it out for you so we can predictively bring in customers.

Campaign Analysis

We analyze every campaign, identify everything going well, and stop everything going poorly. We keep a close eye on every campaign to make sure your money is being used efficiently.

Platform Reports

Each platform has it's strengths and weaknesses, and we want to be certain of which ones are the perfect places for your brand to be. 

Industry Trends

Numbers don't lie. If something worked really well for a competitor, we reverse engineer it and make that seemingly pain point into a positive for your business.


Are you really getting in front of the right people? We read your data, and if you're not, we figure out who's a better audience and how to get in front of them.

Historical Trends

History repeats itself all the time. That's why you know when your busy season is. We take historical trends and capitalize on them so you earn more.

Predictive Analysis

Nobody can see into the future, but we're sure going to try. We use data to predict consumer behavior and capitalize on business opportunities before they arise.

Your Data Analysis & Trend Reporting

Select a date and time on the calendar to schedule a FREE 30 minute consultation with one of our Co-Founders, Diana Ochoa. We'll go over your business, opportunities for growth, and how we can help. 

Make sure you help us help you! Come prepared with information about your business, your budget, and what you have in mind so we can make your business unmissable faster. We're looking forward to meeting you!

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