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Print Media & Design

Print is still a great way to increase brand awareness and get in front of the right people. It doesn't have to be through mail either. We'll help you create flyers, brochures, business cards, and really anything else you can put on a piece of paper and give to someone. Scroll down to see why it can be a great tool for you and your brand.

An orange and blue city, representing the upscale branding of Uptown Digital Marketing
Envelopes of letters

82% of People Trust Print Ads The Most

They say don't trust everything you read online. Nobody ever said that about print, and that's because people trust something tangible so much more. 82% of people trust print ads the most when making a purchasing decision.

Direct Mail is Opened 66% of the Time

Think about how many social media posts a day you completely skip over. We bet it's a lot more than 66%.

56% of People Who Get Print Ads Visit You

Direct Mail gets 56% of people who see it either on your website or in your store. Talk about an efficient way to get people engaging with your brand.

A billboard with dozens of colorful flyer
82% of Direct Mail is Read For 60 Seconds or More

When people open mail, they tend to read it. And when that message is relevant, they'll check out your website, call the phone number, or any other action you want them to take.

62% of Quality Leads Purchase After 3 Months

Consumers who responded to mail in the past 3 months made a purchase 62% of the time. Sounds like it's time to start sending out more mail.

75% of Consumers Recall Brands From Print

Seeing a business on something that you can hold and feel like a flyer or letter help people remember brands 70% better than they would've seeing that business online.

Creation & Design

Whether it's a letter, business card, brochure, or anything else that's printed, you want it to look stunning. Well that's our goal too.


We’ll make your copy engage and captivate your audience. Wording is everything, and we’ll make sure our messages resonate with your customers.


The best way to find success with print is to find exactly who and where your audience is. We'll do that for you so you don't have to waste time figuring that out.


Keep your business at the front of your client's minds with remarketing. We'll make sure your target audience is receiving multiple touch points to convert as many as possible.

Your Print Media Roadmap

Select a date and time on the calendar to schedule a FREE 30 minute consultation with one of our Co-Founders, Diana Ochoa. We'll go over your business, opportunities for growth, and how we can help. 

Make sure you help us help you! Come prepared with information about your business, your budget, and what you have in mind so we can make your business unmissable faster. We're looking forward to meeting you!

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