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We search for everything online. And a ton of those searches are filled with purchasing intent. We google what we want to buy every day. And every single search that you're not showing up for is a missed opportunity. Stop losing business because your SEO & SEM aren't as optimized as they should be. Scroll down and see why it's so important.

An orange and blue city, representing the upscale branding of Uptown Digital Marketing
A phone with Google on it

Less Than 1% of Searches Reach Google's 2nd Page

Almost everybody on Google finds what they're looking for on the first page. That means if you're not ranking, over 99% of potential customers won't even make it to your website.

Google Has Over 8.5 Billion Searches Per Day

According to our super quick calculations, that's 99,000 searches per second. That's a lot of searches. Any smart business owner would want to capitalize on that.

CTR Declines at 32.3% Per Position On The First Page

Every spot counts. By a really large percentage. Every single position you're not ranking in, you're losing business. And the worst part is your competitors are gaining business. Make sure your SEO strategy is optimized now.

A screenshot of search results that populate when the user searches "is tiktok..."
Organic Search Drives 10x More Traffic Than Organic Social

That's a crazy 1000%. Search is an unbelievably powerful tool, it's just a matter of making sure your business is getting seen when people are searching so you can see a 1000% increase too.

43.4% of People Search For Products & Brands

Our super quick calculations estimate around 3.68 billion searches daily for products and brands. That's enough searches to keep you in business a long time.

More Than 63% of People Click on Google Ads

That means more money in your pocket when you spend money with Google. Google Ads are a fantastic way to increase your brand awareness and get your brand in front of the right audience.

Keyword Research

​We find the words, terms, and phrases that people are searching for the most, and naturally work them into all the copy we write.


We'll write the copy for your website so that it keeps Google and your customers engaged. A great description can be the extra push people need to buy.

Meta Tags

We go into the nitty gritty parts of the website to make sure you're ranking organically. We write your meta tags to make sure you're seen.


We make sure your headlines grab the attention of your customers and Google at the same time. You want people to find your website, and to stay.


We write awesome descriptions of your business, products, and services that make Google recognize you as an authority figure in your field. 

Blog Management

We'll help write blog content that viewers are interested in and Google can use to make sure you're the very best at what you do.

Website Management

SEO is always changing. We'll check in every month, quarter, or any other timeframe you want to make sure your copy is still top tier.

Your SEO & SEM Roadmap

Select a date and time on the calendar to schedule a FREE 30 minute consultation with one of our Co-Founders, Diana Ochoa. We'll go over your business, opportunities for growth, and how we can help. 

Make sure you help us help you! Come prepared with information about your business, your budget, and what you have in mind so we can make your business unmissable faster. We're looking forward to meeting you!

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