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Website Optimization

An awesome website is quite literally a make or break for a business in 2024. If your website doesn't resonate with people, it's going to be really hard to grow your business. Plus, all the backend stuff is a huge headache and super time consuming when you don't know what you're doing. Scroll down and see why it's important to have a great website, and what we can do for you.

An orange and blue city, representing the upscale branding of Uptown Digital Marketing
Different company websites pictured on multiple iPhones

94% of First Impressions Are Influenced by Websites

Everyone knows first impressions are important. Why would that be different online? 94% of customer first impressions are influenced by web design.

75% of Consumers Base Credibility on Websites

Credibility is tied to websites for 75% of consumers. In a world full of scammers and digital fear, credibility is massive, especially when customers convert without ever speaking to someone.

Poor Design & Content Drives 38% Away

Expect over 1/3 of the people on your website to leave simply based on if your website isn't up to par with your competition. That's a ton of revenue gone before you even had a chance at seeing it.

An example of a product page for an ecommerce website
Poor Functionality Reduces Website Bounces by 42%

People love when websites work well, and hate when they don't. That's 42% of people will leave a website due to poor functionality.

94% of Website Users Say Easy Use is Most Important

By now, you're probably picking up on the fact that if a website's hard to use, you're going to have trouble converting. Things need to be super easy throughout the entire customer journey, especially on your website.

67% Are Likely to Buy From Mobile-Friendly Websites

Is your website mobile friendly? Because if it's not, you're probably having a tough time converting clicks into customers. Make sure your website is easy to use on a phone or computer.

Creation & Design

Ever wanted a complete, functioning website tailored for your business needs? Well we'll build you one from the ground up.


Data is everything. It's how we make all our intelligent business decisions. We'll add Google Analytics and Tag Manager to your website so you can track everything.


We'll write the copy for your website so that it keeps Google and your customers engaged. A great description can be the extra push people need to buy.


If people don't know about you, then you might as well not exist. We make sure that doesn't happen to your business. Take your website to the next level with SEO.


Already have a great web designer? No problem, we can make the wireframe to give them a better idea of the task. at hand.


People hate nothing more than a website that they can't navigate. Or one that's ugly. Or both. Don't let that be your website.

Landing Pages

Want some special pages built for your website? Maybe for a certain promotion, or you just want to try something new? We can build a great one for you.


It isn't 2005 anymore. People browse and shop on their phone all the time, which means your website needs to look great on all devices.

Your Website Optimization Roadmap

Select a date and time on the calendar to schedule a FREE 30 minute consultation with one of our Co-Founders, Diana Ochoa. We'll go over your business, opportunities for growth, and how we can help. 

Make sure you help us help you! Come prepared with information about your business, your budget, and what you have in mind so we can make your business unmissable faster. We're looking forward to meeting you!

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